Devolution of exonerated contributions by the ERTE

Devolution of exonerated contributions by the ERTE

The devolution of the exonerated contributions by the ERTE for not maintaining the employment during 6 months. An informative note from the General Directorate of the Labor and Social Security Inspection was recently published. On the return of exonerated contributions due to the failure to comply with the commitment to maintain employment. Provided for in Additional…

Measures against Covid-19 by comunidad autonoma

Measures against Covid-19 by comunidad autonoma

Measures against Covid-19 by comunidad autonoma for Christmas. The Ministry of Health announced that the measures would be uniform nationwide. The famous “there will be no 17 different Christmases”. However, the reality has prevailed and we are facing different measures for each autonomous community. For this reason, we created our section Covid-19 for companies, in…

Aid to SMEs to promote CSR Conciliation and Teleworking

Aid to SMEs to promote CSR Conciliation and Teleworking

The Aid for SMEs to promote CSR Conciliation and Teleworking of the Community of Madrid, increases its budget by 5,100,000 euros, by order of November 13, 2020. The conditions and requirements for access to this type of subsidy are maintained, although an item has been added to cover the cost of acquiring the electronic equipment…

Clarifications ERTE and cessation of activity

Clarifications on ERTE and benefits for cessation of activity

The Tax Agency (AEAT) has prepared a note with clarifications regarding the benefits derived from an ERTE (temporary employment regulation file) and the extraordinary benefit for cessation of activity. Specifically, it refers to the completion of form 190 corresponding to the financial year 2020, to be submitted in January 2021.   Clarifications ERTE and cessation…