Advice on making a TERF

Temporary Employment Regulation Files

Are you considering the possibility of making a TERF at the company? When a company faces the most difficult situations is when the experience of a team of labour consultants like Arrabe Integra becomes indispensable.

The Workers’ Statute and Royal Decree 1483/2012 contain the measures related to the Temporary Employment Regulation Files or TERF (ERTE in Spanish). As you already know, TERF do not cease to be ERF with a temporary specification. And their objective is none other than to establish procedures for collective dismissals, suspension of employment contracts or reductions in working hours.

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    making a TERF

    Expert team in TERF

    TERF can be carried out for economic, production, organizational or force majeure reasons. In the latter case, they have a specific procedure and are subject to the authorization of the labor authority. Therefore, the execution of collective dismissals of these characteristics must comply with certain requirements and may not even be authorized.

    Our labour advisers, specialists in TERF for companies, are prepared to study your case and offer you a personalised solution. Count on Arrabe Integra!

    Basic summary of the steps of making a TERF in the company

    As we say, coming to a decision to do an ERE or an ERTE is never easy. But companies must ensure their viability, especially in certain complicated moments. The labour consultancy before the realization of a Temporary Employment Regulation File is fundamental. And for that reason, in Arrabe Integra, our experts in ERTE and ERE, analyze each case following a methodical and exhaustive procedure.

    In addition, in extreme situations, speed in the whole process is key to guarantee a timely execution of the necessary procedures.

    Here we summarize the basic steps to make an ERTE due to force majeure, with the minimum guarantees:

    1.- Prepare documentation to be sent to the competent Labour Authority

    • Official forms.
    • Justifying Memory.

    2.- Communication to the workers and to the competent Labour Authority

    Employees will be notified through their legal representatives or directly and individually. And, to the communication to the competent Labor Authority, accompanied by the means of proof. In addition, the Labor Authority may request additional information:

    • From the Company itself.
    • Report of the Social Security Labour Inspectorate.
    • Give employees a formal audience within 1 day.

    3.- Resolution of the Labour Authority

    A resolution must be given within the first 5 days of the application. The resolution of the TERF may be authorized or denied.

    If it is denied, it could still be:

    • Court action can be taken.
    • Procedure TERF for objectives reasons.

    If authorized:

    • Company decides to whom it applies.
    • Proceed to inform to the workers (or their legal representatives) and to the Labour Authority.

    4. Apply the TERF

    • The company decides on the workers involved.
    • Priority of permanence of the union delegates.
    • Apply objective reasons to avoid discrimination.

    If you want more information about the Temporary Employment Regulation Files, do not hesitate to read our article on the TERF. If, on the other hand, you know that your company needs to carry out an TERF, please contact us as soon as possible. You can leave us your details in the form above on this page or call us during our business hours.

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