Consulting for companies of the fashion sector

Specialists in consulting for companies in the national and international fashion sector

Of course, each business sector has its peculiarities. It does not matter if we are talking about manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers, entrepreneurs, multinational or local firms, points of sale, corners in shopping centers and large distribution areas.

We are also specialists in managing personnel access platforms for the provision of services of the firms we manage within large surfaces and shopping centers (Ucageci, La Roca, etc).

How can we help you?

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    La Sociedad ARRABE INTEGRA, S.L. pertenece al Grupo Afianza. Su consulta podrá ser respondida por Afianza Asesores, S.L.U. Tiene acceso a su política de privacidad en el enlace aquí

    Consulting for companies of the fashion sector

    Companies in the Fashion Sector

    Our experience in consulting companies in the fashion sector is very broad. From Arrabe Integra we know the needs of this type of business and offer our experience and guide in all the areas of the advice.

    Consulting services for companies in the fashion sector

    At the moment, the fashion sector faces great challenges. With the sanitary crisis by the pandemic of the Covid-19, many businesses of the fashion have been forced to the digitalization. To seek new ways to sell their products and even for distribution. At this point the legal consulting for e-commerce becomes one of the specific needs, but not the only one.

    Labour consulting is another major area in which the needs of corporations in the fashion sector are renewed. The new laws of teleworking, for example, mark a before and after for many of them. It is, in short, a time of change and specialized consulting for fashion companies makes more sense than ever.

    There are already many companies in the national and international fashion sector that rely on the consulting services of Arrabe Integra. Among them, there are big national and international firms. Do not hesitate to ask for information about our specialized services of consultancy for companies of the fashion sector.

    Our services for companies in the fashion sector

    Our team is composed of specialists in the following areas:

    • Labour consulting and HR management.
    • Tax consulting.
    • Financial consulting.
    • Accounting consulting.
    • Law consulting (Fashion Law y e-commerce).

    On top of that, we are specialists in the processing of grants and subsidies both locally in Madrid and nationally. And, we have services of internationalization of companies and management of foreign subsidiaries. From today, you can count on a company with experience in consulting for companies in the fashion sector.

    Our clients and what they think about us

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