The measures of the new state of alarm for Covid-19 applied by the CC.AA. In the BOE of last October 25 the entry into force of RD 926/2020 was published. In which a state of alarm is declared throughout the national territory to contain the spread of infections caused by COVID-19.
The experts from our Legal Advice summarize this regulation for us below.
Measures of the new state of alarm for Covid-19
The duration of the state of alarm declared in said RDL ended at 00:00 hours on November 9. Although the idea is to extend it for a total of 6 months.
In addition, it is established that the competent authority for all purposes is the Government of Spain. Although the person holding the presidency of each Autonomous Community / City is delegated the ability to issue, by delegation from the Government of the Nation, orders, resolutions and provisions referring to various issues.
Application throughout the national territory
Limitation of freedom of movement at night.
Circulation of people is limited to situations of need or urgency between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
The Autonomous Communities may determine that the start of this curfew is between 10:00 p.m. and 00:00 a.m., and that the end is between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
It is understood by necessity or urgency:
- acquisition of medicines
- compliance with labor / professional / legal obligations
- assistance and care for the elderly, among others
Application in those CC.AA that communicate it to the Ministry of Health
Limitation of entry and exit from the Autonomous Community.
The entry and exit of people from each autonomous community is restricted, except for justified trips. As they are the fulfillment of labor / professional / legal obligations, assistance and care for the elderly, return to place of habitual residence, carrying out administrative procedures that cannot be postponed, among others.
The Autonomous Communities may, additionally, limit the entry and exit of people in territorial areas of a geographically lower nature than the autonomous community.
Limitation of permanence of people in public and private spaces
The permanence of groups of people in spaces for both public and private use, both closed and outdoors, will be conditioned on not exceeding the maximum number of 6 people, except in the case of cohabitants.
The Autonomous Communities may determine that the maximum number is less than 6 people, except in the case of cohabitants. Labor or institutional activities are not included in this limitation.
Restrictions by CCAA | Restricciones por CCAA
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