Importass new Social Security Treasury portal

Importass new Social Security Treasury portal

Importass is the new Social Security Treasury Portal for the processing and management focused on self-employed or not, as well as domestic employees. Importass is a digital space adapted to mobile devices, accessible from the web, the Electronic Headquarters (SEDESS) and the Social Security app. It offers information and processing services. In addition, it incorporates…

Tax benefits applicable to international business travel

Tax benefits applicable to international business travel

The tax benefits applicable to international business travel are once again a point of interest. During the last two years, we have experienced an almost complete standstill in international business travel. But, these are slowly being reactivated. Although technology brings us closer and closer to clients and colleagues, in the case of teleworking, certain situations…

Mandatory use of Electronic Address for legal entities

Mandatory use of Electronic Address for legal entities

The mandatory use of Electronic Address for legal entities is reflected by law. This is so, based on the legal mandatory established for legal entities to relate electronically with the Administration. Therefore, they must register in the Electronic Address for Roads (Dirección Electrónica vial in Spanish hereinafter DEV) to receive the notifications related to the…

Household employees will pay unemployment contributions

Household employees will pay unemployment contributions

Household employees will pay unemployment contributions as from October 1. A further step forward with this reform in the equalization of the working conditions and Social Security of this group with the approval of RDL 16/2022, of September 6. The new regulation ratifies ILO Convention 189 on domestic workers and thus regularizes access to unemployment benefits.…