Declaración del Modelo 720

Tax Form 720. Obligation to Declare Assets or Rights Located Abroad

The Tax Form 720, regulated by the Spanish Royal Decree 1558/2012, dated 15th November 2012, introduces the obligation to declare bank accounts, securities and life insurance contracts/rights, as well as real estate located abroad and owned by Spanish residents.  It is imposed without discrimination on all Spanish taxpayers, natural persons or legal persons. As Tax…


Money Laundering: New Obligations

On 4 September, Royal Decree Law 11/2018 was published and entered into force, transposing various European Directives, including the 2015/849 Directive on Money Laundering, which was necessary because Spain had not adapted its legislation to these Directives and therefore ran the risk of being sanctioned. Although this regulation only applies to the obligated subjects in…