Corporate compliance in Madrid

Advice for a corporate compliance for companies.

Corporate compliance is a very important tool. As professional business consultants, at Arrabe Integra we are aware of the importance of complying with the regulatory framework applicable to each organization and the implementation of a corporate ethical culture.

Companies face multiple risks at the legal level on a daily basis. To this we must add that after the last reforms of our Spanish Criminal Code, legal persons (societies) are subject to committing crimes. In this way, they can be held criminally responsible and therefore convicted as perpetrators of a crime.

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    Business Compliance

    An adequate advice and a corporate compliance plan is key for all companies.

    An effective crime prevention program, also known as corporate compliance, is a tool that, well managed, can minimize corporate risks.

    For this reason, having adequate advice and a corporate compliance plan is key for all companies.

    General Consulting

    These programs must be considered not only from the preventive point of view, and in the avoidance of reputational damage. But we must also weigh the competitive advantages that they bring to us. They are proof of your commitment to regulatory compliance and responsibility to the business environment.

    It is increasingly common for large companies, both national and international, to require their suppliers, and collaborators, to have their own compliance program, in order to operate with them. And before a contract with the public administration it gives a higher score.

    There is no doubt that these programs begin to be part of the formal requirements of a company and also provide competitive advantages. Get in touch with Arrabe Integra for the implementation of a control plan!

    Corporate compliance services in Madrid

    Not any compliance program is effective in preventing the commission of irregularities or crimes in our company. Nor will it help us to exempt the company from liability.

    It is necessary that your company’s program is specifically adapted to your activity, risks associated with it, and its size. Also considering the measures that already have to minimize the risks and implementation of new ones.

    These programs are a commitment of our company, and work teams at all levels, with regulatory compliance and therefore require continuous adaptations to current regulations at all times, as well as adjustments and improvements.

    We want you to know that having Arrabe Integra means having a great team of professional consultants and lawyers specialized in all areas of your company. From legal consulting, to labour or tax advice. Our extensive team and our experience in consultancy in Madrid and national companies of different activities and sectors, are the guarantee you need to hire an excellent compliance service.

    The legal security of your company requires the utmost rigor. From Arrabe Integra, we can help you design and implement the compliance plan in your company. In addition, we offer you the possibility of being the link with your internal compliance officer in order to periodically monitor the operation of the plan.

    What does a corporate compliance plan consist of?

    The implementation of these plans requires the commitment of the Directorate and the efforts of the parties involved from the beginning. Therefore, we will start from a written statement from the highest body of the company showing its highest commitment to regulatory compliance and the implementation of the corporate compliance program.

    Next, we will work with the multidisciplinary team of your company, designed for this purpose, to know your activity in detail, and to be able to make an adapted risk report.

    Development of specific policies that minimize your risks and their implementation will be the next work objective. As well as the establishment of a disciplinary system for employees, always considering the provisions of the collective or company agreement in this regard.

    We will conclude with the creation of a confidential communication channel that allows employees, suppliers, collaborators … to be able to report risks or breaches detected, with a guarantee of indemnity. And with the designation of a monitoring body with autonomous powers of initiative and control for the supervision of the management model implemented.

    We will not forget to coordinate with the client a correct internal communication to get the collaboration of all the labor and managerial staff of the company. It will be key to the success of the compliance project.

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