Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

What is it? According to Wikipedia, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), also known as responsible business or a socially responsible investment, is defined as an active and voluntary contribution to social, economic and environmental improvement from companies, generally in order to improve their competitive situation and added value. Heeding to the definition provided by the International…


Intensification of the control of training, part-time and temporary contracts

On 6 April 2018, the Spanish Council of Ministers approved new measures to intensify the control of unjustified temporary employment contracts, of part-time employment contracts, as well as of training contracts. Accordingly, the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan of the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate is to be implemented, that shall designate the Labour Inspectorate as the public…


2017 IRPF (Spanish Tax) Personal Income Tax Return: Updates, schedule and key dates of the campaign.

On 4 April the 2017 (IRPF) Personal Income Tax Return campaign was officially launched. Although as from 15 March it was already possible to download the new application and request the pertinent reference number, as from 4 April it is possible to ratify and file the draft tax returns through “Renta Web” via the internet, as…


On-call hours at home are considered “worked” hours

The controversy regarding the classification of “on-call hours” and/or “stand-by hours” as working hours has been discussed on several occasions by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), that, in the recent judgment regarding the Matzak case, judgment dated 21 February 2018 (C-518/15), has stated that on-call hours shall be accounted for as hours effectively worked if…


Self employed workers (Sole Traders): Possibility for adjustment of the contribution bases

We hereby inform you that you have the option of modifying the contribution base of the Special Self-Employed Worker (Sole Trader) Regime and, accordingly, the Social Security fee to be paid, within the established limits, according to your age. The upcoming deadline for said adjustment is that of 30 June 2018. Said modification shall take…
