The Tax Authorities cannot register without good reason

The Tax Authorities cannot register a domicile or company without a duly justified reason according to the Supreme Court’s ruling. The Second Section of the Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court in Appeal No 2966/2019 has annulled the authorisation of the Tax Inspectorate to enter the domicile of a company for lack of reasons. This was based…


Preventive measures of the Community of Madrid against Covid-19

Preventive measures of the Community of Madrid against Covid-19 are established in certain municipalities. In execution of the Order of the Minister of Health of 30 September 2020. These measures are applied as an extension of the measures recently adopted by the CAM. They will apply in those basic health areas belonging to municipalities not…


Procedural and organisational measures in the field of Justice

New procedural and organisational measures in the field of Justice, to address COVID-19. Reflected in Law 3/2020, of 18 September. This law introduces important improvements with respect to RDL 16/2020, which sought to provide a rapid solution to the accumulation of procedures suspended due to the declaration of the state of alarm. The measures provided…
