Deadline for Informative Declaration of Assets and Rights Located Abroad: Tax Form 720

The period to submit the Annual Declaration of Assets and Rights Located Abroad (Tax Form 720) for FY2017 runs from 1st January to 31st March. This recurring obligation to submit information was established under Act 7/2012, 29th October, which amends tax and budget legislation and adapts financial regulations to step up fraud prevention measures, and…


New Spanish Royal Decree 62/2018 on pension plans enters into force

Last 10 February 2018, Spanish Royal Decree 62/2018 was published, amending the Regulation on instrumentation of company commitments with employees and beneficiaries in respect of pensions, approved by Spanish Royal Decree 1588/1999, and the Regulation on pension funds and plans approved by Spanish Royal Decree 304/2004. In light of this new Spanish Royal Decree 62/2018,…


Self-Employed Social Security Programme: Contribution base

Given the lack of General State Budgets, the Government has frozen minimum and maximum contribution bases for the self-employed (except for corporate partnerships and those who have had over 10 employees hired throughout 2017), with no modifications in comparison with the last semester of 2017.   Minimum base Euros/month 919.80 € Maximum base Euros/month 3,751.20…


Summary of Taxation Measures 2018: IRPF (Personal Income Tax), Corporate, Inheritance, VAT and others.

Fiscal year 2018 is beginning, and although the bulk of taxation regulations from the previous period essentially remains, there are new elements that we will analyse below. Many of them are the result of last 29 December’s approval of Spanish Royal Decree 1074/2017, amending the Regulation on Personal Income Tax (IRPF), the Corporate Tax Regulation…
