On 4 April the 2017 (IRPF) Personal Income Tax Return campaign was officially launched.
Although as from 15 March it was already possible to download the new application and request the pertinent reference number, as from 4 April it is possible to ratify and file the draft tax returns through “Renta Web” via the internet, as well as via telephone ((+34) 901 200 345 and (+34) 91 535 68 13).
This year the personal income tax campaign includes a number of updates that taxpayers must take into account:
- New filing periods: Not only does the campaign start earlier (as from 15 March the new application for the 2017 Personal Income Tax Return was available) but also, this year, the filing period shall extend until 2 July. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the filing period shall expire on 27 June, in the case of tax returns that result in payments by way of direct debit. Moreover, on 29 June the period shall expire for requesting a personalappointmentfor filing the tax return.
- End of the remittance of paper copies and of SMS: This year, the AEAT has removed the postal remittances of the paper copies of the tax returns, as well as the SMS messages with the reference number, and accordingly in order to obtain your draft tax return you shall have to complete the D.N.I. (National Identification Document) and the date of expiry thereof, as well as field 450 of your previous 2016 Personal Income Tax Return, and your draft tax return may be obtained via the new ‘app’ or via the internet.
- New App: Oneof the main updates this year is the new application (for Android and Apple smart phones) that may be downloaded as from 15 March. Via the application, you may query and obtain yourtax information, the status of your tax return and also query your tax declarations from previous years and, as from 4 April, taxpayers with simple tax returns may ratify and file their draft tax returns, provided that they do not need to modify or include any additional information. In order to use the app, it is necessary to first of all register in the Cl@ve PIN
Notwithstanding, it must be kept in mind that the information available via the app is the information that has been provided by third parties (company where you work, financial institution where you have a bank account, etc) and, accordingly, the proposed tax return displayed on your mobile phone may contain errors that, if confirmed by the taxpayer, and that affect the tax sum to be paid or refunded, shall be subject to the imposition of the corresponding penalty. Moreover, other information such as your civil status, birth or adoption of children or the right to deduction for parents, are not known by the Spanish Tax Authority, and accordingly you are not recommendedto confirm the draft tax return via the app without having previously verified theproposed information.
- “Le llamamos” (We’ll call you) Plan: On 3 April the “Le llamamos” (We’ll call you) system was launched for requesting a personal appointment, which is another of the updates this year. By means of this request, the AEAT shall telephone taxpayers and shall draft and file the tax return via telephone. This system may only be used by taxpayers with income below certain limits, such as workers with income from work and from investment capital below €65,000 and €15,000, respectively; taxpayers with a maximum of a single property; with capital gains and losses from disposals or not, unless they correspond to economic activities, and with income from the regime for the assignation of income from capital investments and real estate capital.
- Instalment (fractional) payment until November: 5 November 2018 shall be the final day for the payment of the second instalmentof the tax sum of the 2017 Personal Income Tax Return, if the fractional payment system is opted for.
- Other significant updates and modifications that shall affect this 2017 Personal Income Tax Return campaign are set out hereinbelow:
- Study expenses for the training and retraining of staff: The training received by workers shall not be considered to constitute income in kindfor the workers, although the party that finances said studies is a third party, provided that the studies are required for the performance of the activities or by reason of the characteristics of the employment position.
- The negative balance of the returns of capital investments of the taxable base of savings for the year shall be off-set with the positive balance of the capital gains and losses that constitute the taxable base of savings, obtained during the same tax period, up to the limit of 20% of said positive balance, and the inverse up to the same limit.
- Family minimum for children: for the purposes of the application of the family minimum for children, the concept of children shall also include persons that have been attributed, by way of judicial resolution, the guardianship and custody of another person.
- The subscription rights in respect oflisted securities shall be considered to constitute capital gains for the transferor in the tax period in which said transfer takes place.
Arrabe Integra
Tax Department