Next, we gather last and new the update of the de-escalation phases, in the process of access to Phase 2 and 3. Relating the modifications introduced and of application from June 8, in the Order SND/507/2020, of June 6.
New update of the de-escalation phases
The process of de-escalation by phases continues. In previous publications we have informed about the development of the activities that are recovered in each one of them, being at present the whole national territory in Phase 2 or Phase 3.
- Access to regulatory development Phase 2
- Modifications incorporated to Phase 2
- Access to regulatory development Phase 3 and modifications of affectation to Phase 2
Remember that the use of “masks” is still obligatory on the public highway, in open spaces and in any closed space for public use or that is open to the public. Whenever it is not possible to maintain a distance of 2m.
Likewise, all establishments must exhibit to the public and ensure the maximum capacity of each premises. As well as the interpersonal safety distance.
The rules on hygiene and prevention common to all activities are maintained, without prejudice to having to comply with those specific to each activity (access to common rules of hygiene and prevention).
The promotion of teleworking should be given priority, although companies may draw up protocols for returning to work in person.
Updating of the territorial units in each of the phases, from the 8th of June, 2020:
Modifications in Phase 2 of de-escalation
In the case of activities in cinemas, theatres, auditoriums and similar spaces and other premises and establishments intended for cultural events and performances, provided that they are outdoor activities, the public must remain seated. They must be kept at the necessary distance and may not exceed one third of the authorised capacity. Nor may it gather more than 400 people.
It will also be possible to resume the activity in squares, enclosures and open-air bullfighting facilities. Provided that they have pre-assigned seats and do not exceed one third of the authorised capacity. And in any case, a maximum of 400 people.
Modifications in Phase 3
They may open discotheques and nightclubs as long as they do not exceed one third of their capacity indoors. And 75% of the tables on the outdoor terraces. However, if there is space available for a dance floor or similar, it can be used to set up tables or groups of tables. This space cannot be used for its usual use.
In this phase, the capacity of the open-air bullfighting enclosures and installations will be increased. As long as they have pre-assigned seats until reaching 50% of the authorized capacity. And in any case, a maximum of 800 people.
Also, in this phase, casinos, collective games of money and chance establishments, gambling halls, recreation rooms, raffles and raffles, specific betting premises and other premises and facilities assimilated to those of recreational activity of games and bets in accordance with the sectorial regulations on gambling, may be opened to the public. This reopening is conditional upon not exceeding 50% of the authorised capacity.
Arrabe Integra
Labour Consultancy and HR Management