The subsidy for young technology-based companies of the Community of Madrid is available until February 27. It aims to promote the activity of new innovative technology-based companies and the consolidation of young innovative technology-based companies in the Community of Madrid.
Subsidy for young technology-based companies in the Community of Madrid
It is aimed on the one hand at new innovative technology-based SMEs up to 1 year old.
And on the other hand, to young innovative technology-based SMEs with more than 1 year and up to 5 years old. In both cases they must have the category of small companies at the time of submitting the application and have at least one work center in the Community of Madrid.
The application deadline is February 27/, 2023.
As mentioned above, two lines of aid are available:
First, Line 1. New small innovative technology-based companies.
Secondly, Line 2. Young innovative small technology-based companies. The project execution periods are up to 12 months. The projects must be started within 30 days from the day following the notification of the Order of concession.
What does the aid consist of?
Under no circumstances may the activities to be carried out by companies whose eligible expenses are less than 30,000 euros for Line 1 be subsidized. Or in the case of Line 2, less than €75,000.
In both cases the aid intensity will be up to 100% of the eligible expenses with a limit of €80,000 for Line 1 and €150,000 for Line 2.
What expenses or actions are covered by this aid.
Firstly, personnel costs: researchers, technicians and other auxiliary personnel, linked to the entity through labor contracts to the extent that they are dedicated to the project.
Secondly, costs of instruments and material, to the extent and during the period in which they are used for the project.
In addition, the costs of contractual research and development, know-how and patents acquired or obtained by licensing agreements from external sources at market prices. Provided that the transaction was carried out at arm’s length and without any element of collusion. As well as consulting costs for the acquisition, protection and trading of industrial and/or intellectual property rights.
Fourthly, the costs of advice and support for innovation and business development. Such as: management consulting, technological assistance and innovation support, business development and market consulting (market research and testing).
Also, other external services. Such as technical assistance, consulting or equivalent in legal, economic and financial matters, business management, marketing, diffusion and commercialization.
Reports, certifications and audits carried out by auditors or experts to the extent that they are required by the Bases or this call for aid.
Other operating expenses
Those directly derived from the project. This concept includes:
- Travel and per diem expenses directly related to the project.
- Costs of economic, financial and industrial audits and monitoring of the project.
- Fees paid for services provided by incubators, incubators, science parks, and other Start-up housing entities.
Finally, the indirect costs that will be calculated by applying a fixed percentage that may not exceed 15% of the amount of the direct costs of the personnel that are eligible, without the need to provide proof of expenses. The beneficiary entity may subcontract up to a maximum of 70% of the activity that constitutes the object of the subsidy with the established requirements and conditions.
Something else you should know…
The applications that exceed the eligibility criteria will be valued, with up to a maximum of 100 points, in application of the following evaluation criteria:
- Criterion Scientific-technical and innovation quality of the projects. This criterion will be rated with a maximum of 45 points.
- Criterion Economic viability and profitability of the company’s Business Plan, technological opportunity and market viability of the project, and scientific-technical capacity of the company. This criterion will be scored with a maximum of 45 points.
- Criterion Collaboration and cooperation with research and knowledge dissemination organizations, socio-economic and environmental impact and coherence of the project. This criterion will be scored with a maximum of 10 points.