On Thursday 30 May was published the call for Aid for the development and implementation for the first time, Plans of Equality for companies between 30 and 49 working people (SMEs)
RDL 6/2019 on urgent measures to guarantee equal treatment and opportunity between women and men in employment and occupation, established the mandatory nature of the preparation of equality plans for companies with 50 employees (establishing a transitional period of 3 years).
The Instituto de la Mujer y para la Igualdad de Oportunidades (Institute for Women and Equal Opportunities) convenes these aids in order to promote equality plans in those companies that are not obliged by law to have them, but that pursue equal treatment and opportunities between women and men.
Plans of Equality. Aid for SMEs
The eligible activities covered are
- drawing up a diagnosis of the entity’s situation
- the preparation of the equality plan
- those arising from the implementation of the equality plan (carried out directly by the entity’s own staff or by a specialised external body)
The objectives of these plans will be to promote mainly actions in relation to:
- Access to employment.
- Working conditions.
- Professional promotion and training.
- Organisation of working time.
- Prevention and action against sexual harassment and harassment based on sex.
- Non-discriminatory use of language, communication and advertising.
Small and medium-sized enterprises or entities between 30 and 49 workers who, prior to the date of publication of the corresponding call, have drawn up an equality plan, regardless of whether or not they have obtained public subsidies or aid for this purpose, will not be eligible for this aid.
Amount and Deadlines for Aid
The amount of aid will be a maximum of 6,000€ per entity. On the basis of justified expenses, payable:
- 65% at the time the grant is awarded.
- The remaining 35% after accreditation of the diagnosis and the equality plan.
The deadline for submission is 10 working days, therefore, until June 13th
From our Labour Consulting Dpt. we can help you in the application of these aids.
Arrabe Integra
Labour Consulting