The Community of Madrid’s Programme of Incentives for SMEs to promote CSR and Conciliation is being extended. Specifically, the increase in authorized expenditure for the programme to promote social responsibility and work-life balance by 2.000.000€ in 2019.
The experts of our Labour Consulting Department then recall the bases of this programme, the aim of which is to promote social responsibility in the sphere of the SME. And secondly, to promote effective work-life balance in the workplace in balance with the company’s organisational needs.
Incentives for SMEs to promote CSR and Conciliation. Requirements
Those who carry out their activity within the Community of Madrid and fulfil the following requirements may have access to said aid:
General requirements:
- Have hired a minimum of 1 worker and a maximum of 250 workers,
- Not exceed 50 million euros in annual turnover or have a balance sheet of less than 43 million euros,
- Be up to date with tax and social security obligations.
Subsidized lines
To access the first line of the programme relating to social responsibility:
- obtain any certification of norms or standards in the field of social responsibility (SA 8000 Standard, ISO 26000 Standard, IQNet SR10 Certification, UNE 165010 EX Standard). Or to implement master plans, programmes or actions aimed at obtaining this certification. As well as active participation in initiatives that promote social responsibility.
To access the second line of the work-life balance programme:
- Formalize at least one flexible working hours or teleworking agreement, for a period of no less than one year, with a worker linked to the company by employment contract, or collective agreement with its workers.
Amount of subsidies
- In the first line, the amount shall be, without exceeding €2,500 per company, equivalent to 75% of the cost incurred in obtaining the standard or standard, the implementation of the Master Plan, Programme or action necessary for such certification or standard. Or active belonging to initiatives that promote social responsibility.
- In the second line, in the case of teleworking, the aid will consist of an incentive of €2,500 per worker with individual or collective agreement. And in the case of flexible working hours, the amount will be €2,500 per person. The maximum limit in both cases will be €10,000 for each of the sub-lines and company.
Applications for Grants
Applications must be made using the models established for this purpose, within three months of the activity for which the grant is awarded. Exceptionally, for those subsidizable actions developed from January 1, 2018 and that cannot present the application due to the expiry of the period of three months since they were carried out, there will be a period of three months from the entry into force of the agreement that develops the present aid program.
On both lines, the application must be accompanied by the required documentation. It must be accompanied by an explanatory and budgetary (financial) report. Or explanatory of the participation and actions to carry out among others.
The maximum term to resolve the concession of the subventions will be of 6 months since the application is presented.
Once granted, the payment will be made in a nominative way and in a single payment for the totality of the granted amount. After the accreditation of the payments and expenses made.
If you need help, do not hesitate to contact us.
Arrabe Integra
Labour Consulting