New incentives for labor recruitment, effective as of September 1st, 2023. This new system is regulated by RD-Law 1/2023 of January 10th. For contracts signed prior to the entry into force of the RD-Law, which have applied bonuses, they will continue to be maintained, according to the previous regulations.
This RD-Law modifies the previous incentive system based on percentages, for a system of fixed amounts depending on the group. In practice, this translates into a lower amount of bonuses. The law gives special relevance to the groups that are less hired and for which it intends to allocate most of the budget item destined to these aids.
Who are these incentives aimed at?
Let’s see which companies and which groups can benefit from this aid.
Beneficiary companies and requirements
These aids are intended for companies or other employers, self-employed, labor companies or cooperatives for the incorporation of working partners and public and private non-profit entities.
In addition, they must meet a series of requirements:
- Be up to date in the fulfillment of tax and social security obligations.
- Not to have been disqualified from obtaining public subsidies and aid and from enjoying tax or social security benefits and incentives.
- Not having been excluded from access to aid, subsidies, bonuses for the commission of serious or very serious infractions established in the LISOS.
- To have equality plans for companies legally or conventionally obliged to implement them.
- Obligation to maintain the employment of the person receiving the incentive for at least three years from the start date of the indefinite-term contract, transformation or subsidized incorporation.
The bonuses will not be applied in the following cases.
- Part-time contracts with a working day of less than 50%.
- In case of business relocation. Those companies that relocate outside the EU must return the subsidies.
- There are a series of additional exclusions reflected in article 11 of RDL 1/2023.
Who are the recipients of the incentives for labor recruitment 2023?
The beneficiaries of these incentives for labor recruitment 2023 are focused on increasingly restrictive groups, in order to promote hiring among particularly vulnerable people, who have been recognized as such by the social services. These groups are as follows.
Firstly, people in primary care.
Secondly, people with disabilities according to RD LEG 1/2013 of November 29. As well as those who present greater difficulties in accessing the labor market.
In addition, people at risk or situation of social exclusion.
Women victims of gender violence, victims of human trafficking, sexual or labor exploitation. And women in contexts of prostitution, victims of sexual violence.
Finally, victims of terrorism.
Incentives for labor recruitment 2023 in the companies
The bonuses included in the RD-Law are articulated in a series of incentives which are detailed below.
Incentives for indefinite-term contracts
- 128€ per month for 4 years. For people with limited intellectual capacity, as long as they are registered in the SEPE. But who have an accredited disability between 20% intellectual disability and 33%.
- 138€ per month for 2 years. For workers who have been reinstated after the termination of total and absolute permanent disability. As well as for those over 55 years of age with permanent disability who have been reinstated in their company in another category. Or, those who recover their capacity and could be hired by another company. It must be taken into account that, in order to apply the bonus, the reinstatement must be a right of the worker.
- 128€ per month for 4 years. For women victims of gender-based or sexual violence or human trafficking.
- 128€ per month for 4 years. For persons in accredited social exclusion. This amount may be increased to 147€ during the first year, for companies that are not labor insertion companies, if she has been unemployed for at least 30 days after leaving an insertion company.
- 110€ per month for 3 years. For long-term job seekers. Registered for at least 12 months in a period of 18 months.
- 128€ per month for 3 years. For long-term unemployed persons over 45 years of age or who are women.
- 275€ per month for 3 years. For young people under 30 years of age, registered in the SNGJ with low professional qualifications. Applicable during the 1st year of validity of RD Law 1/2023, subject to available funds.
Incentives for temporary hiring
- 366 per month during the replacement of workers, employed or self-employed, on sick leave due to risk during pregnancy, risk of breastfeeding, childbirth or care of a nursing child. Provided that the person hired is unemployed and under 30 years of age. This bonus will also apply to the substituted worker.
- 366€ per month during the substitution of disabled workers whose work contract has been suspended due to temporary disability, who are unemployed and have a disability.
- 138€ per month for workers at risk during pregnancy or breastfeeding. As well as for reasons of occupational disease, assigned to a job compatible with their condition. The bonus will be applied for the duration of the change of position.
Allowances for the hiring of training in alternation
91€ per month, from the employer’s contribution and 28€ per month from the employee’s contributions. In addition, a bonus will be applied for costs derived from tutoring of workers, with a maximum amount of 1.5€ per hour of tutoring. There is a maximum of 40 hours/month per student. Or 2€ per hour of tutoring, if the company has less than 5 employees.
Bonus for the transformation into indefinite-term contracts
- 128€ per month for 3 years. For the transformation of training contracts into permanent contracts. 147€ per month, in the case of women.
- 55€ per month for 3 years. For the transformation of relief contracts into indefinite-term contracts. 73e per month, in the case of women.
- 138€ per month for a maximum of 3 years. For the incorporation as a partner in the cooperative or labor company, of people who carry out practical training in companies.
Bonus for hiring in specific sectors
- 73€ per month for 3 years. For unemployed people who join as working partners. If they are under 30 years of age or older with a disability of at least 33%, the bonus will be 147€ for the first year. And 73€ for the following two years.
- 115€ per month for the hiring of pre-doctoral research personnel.
- 55€ per month for 3 years. For the transformation of temporary contracts in the agricultural regime into permanent discontinuous contracts. 73€ per month if they are women.
- 262€ per month for the prolongation of the activity of workers with permanent-discontinuous contracts. In the tourism, commerce and hotel and catering sectors during the months of February, March and November.