The distribution of the widow's/widower's pension

The distribution of the widow’s/widower’s pension

The distribution of the widow’s/widower’s pension when one of the beneficiaries dies has recently been clarified by the Supreme Court. Specifically, in the judgment STS 613/2021, June 9, 2021. It comes to resolve an interesting question regarding the distribution of the widow’s/widower’s pension when there is a concurrence of beneficiaries. And one of them dies. Therefore,…

Medidas sobre arrendamientos de viviendas

Measures on housing leases

Measures on housing leases were approved last January 27th in RDL 2/2021. The deadlines for the application of the extraordinary measures on housing leases introduced by RDL 11/2020 and extended by RDL 30/2020, which are summarized below.   Measures on housing leases   Extraordinary extension of habitual residence lease contracts. They may be compulsorily extended…