The application period for the Bonus Reduction in Accidents at Work 2019 of the Community of Madrid is now open. In accordance with Articles 17.3.b and 20.8 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Law on Subsidies. The extract from the call for applications is published, establishing the conditions for the presentation and processing of applications for the incentive for a reduction in accidents at work through the improvement of health and safety conditions at work, corresponding to fiscal year 2019.
The deadline for submitting applications began on 25th May and will end on 13th September 2019.
These subsidies are aimed at reducing accidents at work by improving the health and safety of the media.
From our Labour Consulting Dept. we detail what the procedure is. As well as the amounts that may be granted, the measures that will be regulated and the entities that may be beneficiaries of these measures.
Bonus Reduction in Accidents at Work 2019
Beneficiaries may be natural or legal persons, having one or more employees who carry out their activity in the Community of Madrid and make the investment in any of the activities that are the object of the subsidy that will be mentioned below.
Public Companies or organisations in which they have a majority shareholding shall not be beneficiaries. Companies dedicated to the rental of material and equipment, as well as those dedicated to its commercialization or economic activity, will not be beneficiaries either. Finally, physical or legal groupings, communities of goods or any other type of economic unit may not be included as beneficiaries either.
Object of the subsidy
Beneficiaries will be subsidised if they invest in one of the following measures:
- Replacement of old machinery with few safety measures through the purchase of new machinery.
- Adaptation of work equipment that must comply with health and safety measures for use by workers.
- Acquisition of work tools for areas qualified by risk of formation of explosive atmospheres.
- Measures for installation of localized extraction systems.
- Implementation of motorized work equipment to transport or store loads, as well as equipment destined to carry out work at heights.
- Installation, design and verification of collective protection equipment.
- Acquisition of mobile work towers for micro-enterprises.
Conceived aid will be instrumented in the form of grants based on percentages according to the range of expenditure. The planned aid will be compatible with other aid granted by public and private bodies for the same purpose.
- The eligible expenditure will be as follows, depending on the measures indicated in the previous point. It is detailed below:
- Eligible expenditure less than or equal to €1,000. It will be applied to measures number two, three and seven. Subsidising 100% of the credited expenses.
- An eligible expense from 1.001€ to 5.000€, applicable to all the previous measures. Subsidising 75% of the credited expenses.
Eligible expenditure of more than €5,000, applicable to all the above measures. 40% of the accredited expenses will be subsidised up to a maximum of €12,000 per measure.
In any case, the sum of the concessions in all the measures as a whole may not exceed 20,000€ per company per calendar year. Between 1 January and 31 December.
All actions subject to subsidy, both acquisition and installation, as well as the payment thereof, must be carried out between 01/January and 30/November of the same year.
The maximum budget foreseen for the total of the aids included in this call is of 1.150.000,00€, amount broken down in each one of the measures described previously:
- 1st Measure: € 350,000
- 2nd Measure: €100,000
- 3rd Measure: €100,000
- 4th Measure: €200,000
- 5th Measure: €250,000
- 6th Measure: €100,000
- 7th Measure: €50,000
All financial aid will be granted in such a way that validly submitted applications will be given priority. And that they comply with the established requirements, depending on the date of presentation within the indicated limits. Subsidies may only be obtained if they are within the available credit limits and the rest are denied.
Arrabe Integra
Labour Consulting Dept.