Call for aids from the Madrid City Council for industry and services. Soon to be published in the BOCM, it focuses on initiatives for the transformation of the industrial productive apparatus and related services in the areas of digital transformation and green economy.
This public call for aids is framed in the context of the Covid-19 for the 2021 and 2022 Armies.
They are aligned with the industry support initiatives of the various administrations. And in particular, with the “Estrategia Regional de Investigación e Innovación para una Especialización Inteligente” (RIS3) of the Community of Madrid. To promote innovation through the dissemination and transfer of technology to improve productivity in key sectors of the economy.
Public call for aids from the Madrid City Council for industry and services.
These actions are intended to attract resources from European funds for industrial promotion.
Eligible Actions
The aids are destined to the medium and long term, to the promotion and impulse of the industry. And they are conceived with structural character in the following areas:
- Digitalization. Digital diagnostics, cybersecurity, “Big data”, development of electronic commerce, teleworking and collaborative platforms, advanced management systems-ERP, “business intelligence”, etc. And in general, implementation and development of Electronics, Information and Communications Technologies (TEICS).
- Sustainable production. Environmental management and energy saving and efficiency of the production process. And reorientation towards a green, circular and low-carbon economy.
- Production improvement-Renove Plan and transition to Industry 4.0. Digitalization of the production process and purchase of machinery and tooling.
In the short term, eligible actions are those developed for the reactivation of industrial activity in the COVID-19 context:
- In the first place, expenses for the reorientation of production to face the pandemic.
- Similarly, overheads to compensate for the reduction in income.
- Finally, the expenses resulting from the implementation of health protocols due to COVID19. Such as material, consultancies, equipment, renovation of headquarters buildings through temporary rentals.
Beneficiaries of the aids from Madrid City Council for industry and services
The beneficiaries may be private SMEs that carry out or will carry out a productive activity. It is understood that they develop a productive activity, those whose activity is framed in the sections of the CNAE 2009 identified in the following Annex. However, by way of summary, the following are indicated:
- Section C. Divisions 10 to 32
- Section D. Division 35.19
- Section E. Divisions 36 to 39
- Section G. Division 45.2
- Section H. Divisions 52 and 53
- Section J. Divisions 58.1, 58.2, 59.1, 59.2
- Section M. Division 71.1
- Section R. Division 90.0
Annex (Anexo-ayudas-ayuntamiento-madrid)
Requirements for beneficiaries
All the requirements must be fulfilled at the time of the deadline for the presentation of the application.
- First of all, they must be up to date with their tax and social security obligations. Tax obligations with the Madrid City Council. And to be up to date in the payment of obligations due to the reimbursement of subsidies.
- Not having pending justification of subsidies granted by the Madrid City Council or its public bodies. Provided that the deadline established for their presentation has expired.
- Eligible actions must be carried out in companies located in the municipality of Madrid. Having at least one production site (storage, assembly, assembly, manufacturing, etc.) in the municipality.
- Comply with the Collective Bargaining Agreement of the sector of activity to which it must be subscribed.
- Comply with the obligation to respect equal treatment and opportunities in the workplace. And to adopt measures aimed at avoiding any type of labor discrimination between men and women.
- In companies with 50 or more workers, to employ at least 2% of workers with disabilities. Or apply alternative measures.
- Finally, not to have exceeded the maximum amount of aids that a company may receive during the current fiscal year and the two previous fiscal years.
Eligible expenses and/or investments
In the first place, eligible expenses will be those incurred in carrying out the activity that is the object of the subsidy. These must undoubtedly correspond to the nature of the activity.
In general, in the case of the acquisition of tangible fixed assets through leasing, the installments without interest, expenses and VAT will be eligible.
Likewise, when any of the eligible expenses exceeds 10,000 euros (VAT not included) for the supply of goods or services. The beneficiary must justify the choice of the supplier company based on efficiency and economy criteria.
Digitalization Line
Facilitating the transition to Industry 4.0
- Investments and purchases, basically of hardware and software or any other tool related to ICTs. As well as the cost of hiring the necessary consultancy services for the promotion of teleworking and e-commerce.
- External expenses for the hiring of specialized consulting services for the diagnosis and development of competitive improvement and innovation projects. The consultants and/or the consulting companies to which they belong, will not be able to have any linkage. Neither shareholding, nor participations, directly or indirectly, with the applicants of the aids.
- Fees paid for the processing of applications for patents, utility models and new industrial designs. Before the national or regional patent and trademark offices. And the expenses of external consultancy developed by an official agency or agent of the industrial property.
- Finally the costs of promoting digital enablers in the framework of Industry 4.0 for:
- The implementation of hybridization solutions of the physical and digital world. Intelligent systems, software related to productive, logistic or commercial system management applications, collaborative platforms, intelligence and control solutions.
- Likewise, communication technologies, computing and cloud, cybersecurity, low-end and embedded,
- Likewise, sensors, wearables, e-tags, virtual reality and 3D printing, robotics and unmanned vehicles within the industrial establishment of production processes. That at least integrates a complete production line.
- In addition, the manufacture of the systems defined in the previous paragraph.
Sustainable Production Line.
To make the production process compatible with sustainability objectives.
- Expenses for contracting consulting services for the implementation of certified environmental and energy management systems (ISO 14006 and ISO 50001).
- Expenses for contracting specialized consulting services for registration in the EMAS Register, European Environmental Management System. Previous consultancy and costs of the certification entity or for the renewal of said Register. As well as, if applicable, the payment of fees or prices for the completion of the registration or its renewal.
- External expenses for the hiring of consulting services for the performance of energy audits.
- Also, consulting expenses for the implementation of technological tools. Big data or others, that allow the reduction and more efficient management of energy consumption.
- Finally, expenses for the application of Energy Saving Measures (MAE) as detailed in the call for proposals.
Productive Improvement Line _ Plan Renove_Transition to Industry 4.0
- First, investments in elements necessary for the implementation of projects for the expansion and competitive improvement of the company. Such as specific technical installations for the eligible activity. Machinery. Production equipment necessary for the implementation of the proposed solutions. As well as other equipment related to the project, tools, computer equipment, intangible fixed assets (industrial property, computer applications).
- Also, external expenses for the hiring of specialized consulting services for the diagnosis and development of competitive improvement and innovation projects.
- The consultants and/or the consulting companies to which they belong may not be related. Neither shareholding, nor participations, directly or indirectly, with the applicants of the aids.
- Fees paid for the processing of applications for patents, utility models and new industrial designs. Before the national or regional patent and trademark offices. And in addition, the expenses of external consultancy developed by an official agency or agent of the industrial property.
- Likewise, expenses for the acquisition of equipment and computer applications that are incorporated into the production process to improve its efficiency.
- Finally, expenses for the promotion of digital enablers within the framework of Industry 4.0:
- implementation and manufacture of solutions for hybridization of the physical and digital world of production processes. That at least integrates a complete production line.
For companies in the sections of the CNAE 2009: Section C- Divisions 10 to 32 and Section G- Division 45.2.
Eligible actions related to the acquisition of equipment and computer applications. As well as those related to digital enablers within the framework of Industry 4.0 that are incorporated into the company’s production process, must be included in this modality.
Line Response to the context generated by Covid19
Reorientation of the activity and implementation of health protocols due to Covid19.
- First, expenses associated with the reorientation of production due to investments. For the adaptation of facilities or real estate, in order to diversify products and/or services. This diversification may have been permanent or temporary, in the event that the company has returned to its previous activity.
- Likewise, the purchase of material and equipment for the implementation of sanitary protocols due to COVID-19. Considering, in addition, the economic impact on Madrid companies caused by COVID-19, current expenses incurred for different concepts will also be considered eligible. See details of the call for proposals.
Exclusions to the subsidies of the Madrid City Council for industry and services
Under no circumstances will these expenses be subsidized:
- First, material, training and personnel costs borne by the company in the implementation of the projects. With the exception of the Environmental Management Systems.
- Secondly, the following investments in fixed assets. Intangible assets (except industrial property and computer software). Transfer rights, franchise rights. Land, constructions, refurbishments, building projects and installations (electricity, security, air conditioning, water, etc.). Transportation elements.
- Likewise, the expenses derived from the normal operation of the company or that constitute a permanent or periodic activity. Office material expenses. Maintenance, repair or replacement of parts. Promotional events, travel, meals. Supplies, rentals and similar.
- Likewise, expenses for the renewal or modification of patents, utility models and industrial designs.
- Following with interests, taxes related to the indicated activities, judicial processes, surcharges and administrative sanctions.
- Expenses accredited with documents that do not clearly reflect the concept of the expense and the amount.
- Expenses supported by supporting documents that do not comply with the legal regulations in force.
- Finally, costs associated with equipment and systems that form part of the building’s internal air conditioning system. Radiant floor heating, radiant ceiling heating, fan coils or terminal units of air conditioning distribution, radiators, pipes, valves, etc..
The amount of the subsidy by lines and amounts are:
Type | Company size |
Minimun investment (€) |
Maximun subsidy percentage |
Maximun amount (€) |
Digitalization | 9 workers or less |
5.000 |
80 |
25.000 |
Between 10 and 49 workers |
10.000 |
70 |
25.000 |
Between 50 and 249 workers |
15.000 |
50 |
25.000 |
Sustainable production | 9 workers or less |
1.000 |
80 |
* |
Between 10 and 49 workers |
5.000 |
70 |
* |
Between 50 and 249 workers |
10.000 |
50 |
* |
Productive improvement -Transition to industry 4.0 | 9 workers or less |
5.000 |
80 |
65.000 |
Between 10 and 49 workers |
15.000 |
70 |
65.000 |
Between 50 and 249 workers |
20.000 |
60 |
65.000 |
Expenses for reorientation of production (COVID) | 9 workers or less |
5.000 |
80 |
25.000 |
Between 10 and 49 workers |
10.000 |
70 |
25.000 |
Between 50 and 249 workers |
15.000 |
60 |
25.000 |
COVID expenses (material and equipment for implementation of protocols) | 9 workers or less |
5.000 |
70 |
65.000 |
Between 10 and 49 workers |
10.000 |
50 |
65.000 |
Between 50 and 249 workers |
15.000 |
30 |
65.000 |
Maximum amount according to highlighted cases (*)
Of course, the maximum limit is established by modality and size of the company, although the different modalities are NOT exclusive.
Eligible percentages will be increased by 20% in the case of companies located in the southern and eastern districts included in the SURES Plan:
- Carabanchel
- Latina
- Moratalaz
- Puente de Vallecas
- San Blas
- Usera
- Vicálvaro
- Villa de Vallecas
- Villaverde.
Deadlines for submission and eligible periods
- Firstly, applications for the year 2021. During the 30 calendar days from the day following its publication in the BOCM. For the 2021 call, the eligible period of expenditure is from April 2020 to 30/04/2021.
- Secondly, applications for the year 2022. From February 1 to February 28, 2022. For the 2022 call, the eligible period of expenditure is from May 1, 2021 to April 30, 2022.
Amounts and budgetary allocation of the subsidies.
- Year 2021: 5,500,000 euros.
- Year 2022: 5,500,000 Euros.
Arrabe Integra
Business consulting