The RDL 6/2019, established the recovery of the financing of the quotas of the Dependency Special Agreement of not professional caregivers of people who are in situation of dependency in charge of the General Administration of the State.
From our Labour Consulting Dept. we explain the changes introduced.
Dependency Special Agreement.
A caregiver of a dependent is understood to be a person who carries out care work and does not carry out any other activity. Whenever they are united by conjugal nexus or by kinship by consanguinity, affinity or adoption, up to the third degree.
From 1st April´19, the share of the special agreements in the Social Security System for non-professional caregivers will be paid by the General State Administration. Likewise, the existing agreements as of 1st April´19 will continue in force, but the contribution to be paid will pass to the General State Administration.
Applications for registration under a special agreement for non-professional caregivers may be submitted to the Provincial Directorate of the Social Security General Treasury or its Administration. Caregivers whose dependent person had the economic benefit recognized prior to 1st April´19have three months (90 calendar days) to apply for the special agreement. If they do not have one. And that its effects extend from the same day 1st April´19.
Also, caregivers whose economic benefit has been recognized after 1st April´19, have 90 calendar days to apply for the agreement and that it has effect from that date. If it is requested after 90 days, it will take effect from the date of signing the agreement.
Extinction of the Special Agreement
When the caregiver becomes the holder of a retirement pension, permanent disability, widowhood, in favour of family members or reaches the age of 65, he/she must notify the cancellation of the special agreement. Likewise, the special agreement will expire when the assisted person dies. This person ceases to receive the economic benefit for family care or the caregiver ceases to provide services as such.
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Labour Consulting