Deadlines for changing Mutual Fund for Self-Employed Workers established by law. Specifically, in Law 35/2014 dated 26 November, known as the Mutuals Act, article 72.b in relation to self-employed workers states: “Workers within the scope of application of the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA), whose protective action includes voluntary or obligatory economic benefit for temporary incapacity, may opt to join a Mutual Collaborator with Social Security for the management of the same. However, workers who have joined the Special Regime as of 1 January 1998 must formalise this with a Mutual Collaborator with the Social Security, as well as those who have joined a Mutual since the aforementioned date and who change entity.
In accordance with the provisions of the Special Regime for Self-Employed and Self-Employed Workers, every employee has the obligation to have a Mutual that covers the coverages indicated in previous paragraphs, being able to change Mutual if they wish.
Deadlines for changing Mutual Fund
Self-employed workers who are interested in changing Mutua collaborator with Social Security for the year 2020 will have a deadline to do so that ends on 30th September this year.
However, the change will be effective from 1st January 2020.
If you are interested in the mutual exchange, the procedure is simple. The application form must be filled in at the Mutual that is desired. Submit this form before the 30th September deadline. And submit it to the Mutual with which you wish to arrange such coverages.
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Labour Consulting