The Actions for the Coronavirus Crisis in Madrid affect different aspects. We refer to both economic and administrative measures. In this case we refer to those of the Community of Madrid (CAM) and the City Council of the capital.
Actions for the Coronavirus Crisis in Madrid. CAM
By agreement of the 13th March 2020, the Governing Council of the Community of Madrid has announced a series of fiscal measures of its own. Specifically, the following:
- March the 13th to 26th are declared as non-working days for the purposes of calculating periods, calculated by months, in administrative procedures. This agreement may be extended.
- All taxpayer service offices shall remain closed. However, the procedures can continue to be carried out telematically through the Virtual Office, as well as the presentation of documents and applications through the Telematic Register of the Community of Madrid.
Actions for the Coronavirus Crisis in Madrid. Madrid City Council
Madrid City Council has announced the approval of 25% bonuses in the IBI (Real State Tax) and Economic Activities taxes for leisure companies, hotels and restaurants, large shopping centres and travel agencies in order to “alleviate the economic consequences” derived from the situation of restrictions experienced by the entire region. The process will be extended until May.
The City Council has made it a requirement for companies wishing to take advantage of these measures to “maintain employment”. But those that implement Temporary Regulation Procedures (ERTE) may benefit because the condition that will be reflected in the ordinances is to maintain “the average of the workforce” between 1 January and 31 December 2020.
The measures will be in force for three months and will apply to the year 2020. The Consistory has also approved a moratorium on the taxes on Mechanical Traction Vehicles (IVTM), the Vehicle Passage Rate (TPV) and the ATM Tax so that “more time will be available to pay it”.
Decree of the 12th of March 2020 of the Mayor by which the extension of the terms not expired to the date of closing of the offices of attention to the citizen is ordered.
Total suspension of the Regulated Parking Service (SER) and BiciMAD since last Monday.
In both cases, the Community of Madrid and the City Council have closed their Public Attention offices. But the virtual offices remain open. From our Tax Consulting Department, we can help you with the procedures that your company needs.
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